KAI Page 42MiS/U-39 REV 2:
In Step 1, “…connect the spade connectors to the EA-XB100-1 B&C AVC1 Voltage Reg as shown…” was “…connect the spade connectors to the EA-F4122 Silent Hektik Volt Reg as shown…”.
In Step 2, “Attach the P3068 (WHT) to the EA-XB100-1 as shown in Figures 1 and 2.” Was “Attach the P3067 (WHT) and P3068 (WHT) to the EA-F4122 as shown in Figures 1 and 2.”
In Step 3, “Connect the P6920 Warning Wire to the EA-XB100-1 as shown in Figure 1.” Was “Connect the P6920 Warning Wire to the EA-F4122 as shown in Figure 1.”
In Step 4, “Connect the P204 (WHT, P205 (WHT), and P309 (YEL) wires to the EA-XB100-1 as shown in Figure 1.” was “Connect the P204 (WHT, P205 (WHT), and P309 (YEL) wires to the EA-F4122 as shown in Figure 1.”
Figure 1 was redrawn to match the EA-XB100-1 pin labels and remove WH-P3067.
Figure 2 was replaced with new photograph, references to WH-P3067 were removed.