On Wednesday, December 11th at 5pm Pacific/7pm Central, Base Leg Aviation’s Vic Syracuse will be presenting an EAA webinar (register here) about Van’s RV Maintenance Gotchas. Vic does a masterful job explaining and showing common problems he finds on RVs in his work as one of the most prolific RV inspectors and mechanics out there – and they’re not all loose jam nuts! Information is Power: If you fly and maintain an RV, this awareness webinar is well worth your time!
“Vic Syracuse will help educate builders and non-builders on the various common problems across RV aircraft that he sees as a DAR, prebuy inspector, and maintenance shop owner. The presentation will educate and motivate attendees to go take a close look at their airplanes. Vic is a designated airworthiness representative, and has built 11 airplanes, and is chairman of the EAA Homebuilt Aircraft Council.”