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11 Section 11: Empennage Attach

Misc. updates and changes


  • 10/05/2021

    KAI Page 11-02 REV 2:

    • Added tolerance to elevator travel ranges in Step 3 and Figure 4.




  • 11/06/2020

    KAI Page 11-1 REV 1:

    • Replaced depiction of VS-1010 Bottom Rudder Hinge Bracket with VS-01010-1.

    KAI Page 11-5 REV 2:

    • In Figure 4, corrected erroneous call-out HS-1016 to VS-1016.
    • In Figures 5 and 6, replaced depiction of VS-1010 Bottom Rudder Hinge Bracket with VS-01010-1.
    • In Figure 6, added two AN960-10 washers, and combined three sets of AN3-6A hardware group call-outs into one.

    KAI Page 11-7 REV 2:

    • Figure 4: Replaced depiction of VS-1010 Bottom Rudder Hinge Bracket with VS-01010-1. Replaced depiction and call-out of R-1007B Rudder Stop with R-01007B-1.
    • In Step 8, R-1007B was R-01007B-1.

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